How to book were endowed with the treasure of time so that you could buy greatness with it...
Please follow the steps below to book, or simply Get In Contact.
- Download the booking form relevant to you.
- Complete the booking form, adding your relevant title & dates, for example: 'Learn Navigation 2-day 02-03/04/2022'. If there is no course date available, or for private bookings, please state your preferred dates.
- Email the booking form to [email protected]. Please double check you are sending your form to the correct email address.
- Payment instructions will be sent to you upon receiving your booking form.
- Confirmation will be sent, alongside any relevant information, once payment has been received. For full payment details please see the Terms & Conditions page.
If you are in any doubt as to what information you should enter onto your booking form, then please take a look at the 'Example booking form', or Get In Contact.
- Do you have an example booking form?
Yes, an example booking form can be found on the How To Book page as the first of 6 files available to download. - What happens if I cannot complete a booking form?
If you cannot complete a booking form for any reason then please Get In Contact and together we can take the necessary steps to get it filled in. - Once I have sent my booking form, does that mean I am booked on?
No, not straight away. Once I have received your booking form you will receive an email with a request for payment and confirmation of your booking form. Once payment has been received you will receive a booking confirmation and any relevant information. For full payment details please see the Terms & Conditions page. - Can you arrange private expeditions, activities or courses for groups or individuals?
Absolutely. There are options available to book privately, either 1:1 or as a private group, for any of the expeditions, activities or courses offered. You can state your preferred dates when completing your booking form or Get In Contact to discuss your specific requirements. - What are the minimum numbers to ensure an expedition, activity or course runs?
This will largely depend on the Expedition, activity or course you wish to participate in and its relevant ratio for instructor:participants. Relevant minimum numbers will be provided at the bottom of each page containing expeditions, activities and/or courses.
Have a question about something else? Try the Frequently Asked Questions page.
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